Note: It should be noted that the mass of the string is 0.00286 +/- 0.000005 kg and the length of the string is 2.48 +/- 0.005 M while the length of the string oscillating is 1.60+/- 0.005 M.
Data for .250 kg hanging mass:
Harmonic frequency f (hz) wavelength (m) Period T (s) 1/wavelength (m^-1)
1 13 +/- .00005 3.2 +/- .00005 .077+/-.00005 .3125+/-.00005
2 26+/- .00005 1.6 +/- .00005 .038+/-.00005 .6250+/-.00005
3 39 +/- .00005 1.06 +/- .00005 .026+/-.00005 .9434+/-.00005
4 51.5 +/- .00005 .8 +/- .00005 .019+/-.00005 1.250+/-.00005
5 64 +/- .00005 .64 +/- .00005 .016+/-.00005 1.5625+/-.00005
6 77.2 +/- .00005 .53 +/- .00005 .013+/-.00005 1.8867+/-.00005
7 90.1 +/- .00005 .457+/- .00005 .011+/-.00005 2.1882+/-.00005
The slope of the graph represents the experimental velocity, 40.9 m/s.
The theoretical velocity v is equal to (T/mu)^(1/2) = 46.11 m/s.
This yields a percent error of 12.7 %.
Data for .050 kg hanging mass:
Harmonic frequency f (hz) wavelength (m) Period T (s) 1/wavelength (m^-1) 1 6+/-.00005 3.2+/-.00005 0.1667+/-.00005 0.3125+/-.00005 2 12+/-.00005 1.6+/-.00005 0.0833+/-.00005 0.625+/-.00005 3 18+/-.00005 1.07+/-.00005 0.0556+/-.00005 0.935+/-.00005 4 24+/-.00005 0.8+/-.00005 0.0417+/-.00005 1.25+/-.00005 5 32.2+/-.00005 0.64+/-.00005 0.0311+/-.00005 1.5625+/-.00005 6 39.2+/-.00005 0.53+/-.00005 0.0255+/-.00005 1.8868+/-.00005 7 46+/-.00005 0.457+/-.00005 0.0217+/-.00005 2.1882+/-.00005
The slope of the graph represents the experimental velocity, 21.5 m/s.
The theoretical velocity v is equal to (T/mu)^(1/2) =20.62 m/s
This yields a percent error of 4.10%
Boiled down to its purest form, the ratio of the experimental wave speeds is roughly 2:1. This inevitably is also the case for theoretical wave speeds--2:1. Moreover, this lab supports that the nth harmonic frequency is equal to the product nf, where f is the fundamental frequency. One should consider case one. For case one, the third harmonic frequency was measured to be 39 hz. Similarly, applying f-n = nf where n is equal to three since it is the third harmonic and f= 13, one also gets 39 hz. For the seventh harmonic in the same case, the frequency was found to be 90.1 hz meanwhile the product nf--n is seven this time--yields 91 hz. These numbers do not perfectly emulate one another but this is the small error pronounced in the experiment rooted in the lil-bit-faulty equipment. Nonetheless, the datable for the second case--the 0.050 kg case--also supports f-n = nf.
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